I thought about that evening in Clarkston, MI in the little wedding chapel where we stood before God and the two witnesses that were strangers. I remembered what I was thinking that night...it was a second marriage for each of us. Both of us entered this marriage knowing that marriage was hard. I remember looking in his eyes as I pledged my love and life to him..."for better or worse...for richer or poorer...in sickness and in health...to love and to cherish...till death do us part." I meant it. I took it very seriously. I had no idea that it would only last 8 years.
I have so many wonderful memories with him. Not long after we got married, he took me to Mackinac Island for a day. We toured the Grand Hotel which was a dream of mine since High School when I first watched "Somewhere in Time"! We took advantage of the few times we were able to get away-A few days in Nashville for our first anniversary, a get away in Hocking Hills, even a few days spent in Columbus. We had several years of attending a Columbus Blue Jackets game together...LOVED those!!!
Then in January 2010, life changed and we began a 3+ year battle with cancer. In August last year, we were told that he was not curable and life has changed. My perspective of events changed as well always wondering-"Will this be the last_____?"
And yes, they were...
Today a friend told me this is the Bronze Anniversary-known for beauty and durability...we did it! We both pledged our love 8 years ago and have fulfilled those vows to the end.
So many thoughts...so many things I could say...but decided I would end with a letter to my husband.
Dear Dave~
Today marks 8 years. I can't say they have been easy and honestly, the majority have probably been harder!
We entered this marriage not knowing what all life would bring. And as hard as it has been, I would do it all again.
I have loved serving you and caring for you. It has been an honor and a privilege.
You have done well providing for our family. And I do not want you to worry about us. Our Father has provided for us so far and he will continue to do so. You are leaving me in wonderful hands!
Remember, no one leaves this life with everything finished...do your part and leave the rest to God. He can do better with it than we can anyway!
My kids have grown to love you. I have loved watching them serve you. It shows their love for you. They have shown compassion and care for you. You are loved!
I SO appreciated your talents. Whether it was repairing a car, building our beautiful armoire, or fixing ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING.Your mechanical mind amazed me. There was little you couldn't fix. I rested knowing you could handle it. I used to love to come out to the garage and watch you work! You are a very talented man.
I enjoyed serving the Lord with you. I appreciated the time you took in preparing for your Sunday School lessons and also enjoyed our time leading the youth group with you-that was a dream come true for me. You loved studying the word and I truly appreciated that!
We both know our time together is short. BUT, I know, and it brings me such peace, that you know Jesus. You have trusted him as your Savior and I know when your time with me is over, it begins with him! It will be an honor to stand by you when He comes to take you home.
I know your desire is that good come from this. That people are drawn to the Lord through your passing. My prayer will be the same.
Thank you for marrying me. Thank you for being a faithful husband. Thank you for loving me and our kids.
This is not easy. This is the hardest thing I have been through. But I want you to know that through this process, I have learned the love of Jesus like I never knew it before. I am thankful for that.
I love you. I love your humor...I love that our love language is sarcasm...I love the moments that we shared that I will always cherish. I love our 8 years together! From here to eternity, I have loved you!
Here is a song that I dedicated to Dave 2 years ago after he almost died during surgery. He ended up in ICU, had 4 surgeries, and spent 11 days at OSU during that time. He was in the hospital for Valentines Day and this song played on the radio that morning...it was perfect and continues to be the perfect song from my heart to his...
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