
Just Me

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

235 Days Later...

Life...life sure does bring some surprises. Some good. Some bad. 

I have had both lately. I have recently had some REALLY wonderful blessings in my life. And I have had some very low valleys. 

I have just in the past year walked the toughest faith walk my life has known. And here I sit again, facing faith walks. Really Lord?? Again?? Already?? 

When these tough things, these faith building situations, come into our lives what do we do? Do we hide? Do we sit in a corner and cry? Maybe we fall apart? 

I think sometimes we do all of the above.

And then we run...

We run right into the arms of the one who CAN do something about the circumstances of our day. 
We plug into the TRUTH of His word that says "I work all things out for the good of those that love me." 
We make the CHOICE to stand on what we know is promised. 
We decide the enemy does not determine who we are, but our loving Savior does. 
We rebuke the lies the enemy wants us to grasp and walk in. Instead we flood our minds with what is true, noble, lovely, pure, and admirable. 
We fight...we fight the battle that we ourselves can not win...and we fight on our knees and hand it all over to the one who can TRULY fight our battles for us!

The Lord gave me a word last Friday. It is powerful and one that I am walking in through this journey of faith..."No matter how today's page in my book of life looks, the enemy does not get to write the final chapter!!" Our God is such a personal God...these words spoke to the "writer" side of me. They have encouraged and strengthened me in the past few days. And I am thankful!

He has also blessed me with some very Godly, sweet, friends that I love. They have encouraged me, prayed for me and with me, and loved me through it all. Thank you to each one of you! I love you...you know who you are! 

I have fought a battle. And I have done all I can do on my end. I have done the BEST thing I can do. I have FELT my way through. I have cried a lot of tears. And I have walked to the cross and laid it down at the feet of the one who bears my burdens. I am trusting him. 

But as I've walked this path recently, I have really thought about my life. Where I am and where I have been. What God has brought me through. What God has spoken over my heart just this year with the "NEW". (this whole faith walk thing is nothing new for this girl!) How is this NEW Lord? I trusted you for the NEW...

And He spoke to me and reassured me that sometimes the new thing is birthed through deep pain. Sometimes, it is through the hardest situations in our lives that the most wonderful gift is poued out into our lives. A diamond is birthed after a long, hard process...

"Daughter, I am doing a NEW thing...I am forming you even more into my image...I am giving you yet another story that you can share with others...I am refining who you are...and I am building your relationship with me...I am the Redeemer...I can and I will use this FOR your good....Trust me..."

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