
Just Me

Monday, January 20, 2014

199 Days Later...

199 Days ago...that does not seem possible, but it is. 

My word for 2014 is "NEW" and I am all about that! Last year was the toughest year of my life and I am ready for the "NEW" things God has in store for this Jesus girl in 2014! 

I had been on a "health kick" two years ago. I ran my first 5K! I couldn't believe it! I was 40 and I did it! I lost about 25 lbs and was feeling really good. Then everything happened with Dave and my focus was off of me and turned to him. Over the 9 months from the time he was told he was terminal until he passed away, I gained about 35 lbs. 

I knew taking care of me had to become a priority, but my attitude has been "baby steps" with what I wanted to do and what needed done. In July last year, I gave up pop. You have no idea how big of a deal that is! I would get up in the morning and drink my cup of coffee and the rest of the day was pop. I was so proud of myself to give up that very-bad-for-me beverage! I knew more changes needed to be made, but also knew not to do more than I could handle at once. I have learned to extend some grace to myself and do what I can do as I am able to do it. 

I had some friends at church begin using a product and they were having amazing results with weight loss and other benefits. So as, I sat back listening to what they were doing and watching the affects of this, I started getting curious and wondering if I should give it a try. I started looking into it and decided at the end of November I was going to jump on the Isagenix train! 

It has been about 6 weeks for me and I am not just dropping pounds, I feel amazing! I have had 3 people comment that my skin looks so good! I gotta admit when I first looked into this, I didn't believe I could do it. But I am. What I love most is that it is changing my perspective on food. When I want to eat, I ask myself "Why?" I am learning to fuel my body instead of feed it. I still go out and have a meal with friends occasionally. But I make a wise choice in my splurge. 

I also gave up my favorite...coffee. I am still in mourning over giving up my favorite drink! I miss my warm cup of coffee in the morning when I sit at the table and do my devotions. I miss the smell. I miss the taste. I miss feeling "happy" as I sip it each day. But I am doing it! I am 6 weeks with no caffeine going into my body!!! MAJOR accomplishment!

I have missed running since I stopped. I have wanted to start again. But I haven't...until today! I started the couch to 10K program. I look forward to getting outside in the fresh air this spring to run, but until then, the treadmill in the corner of my dining room will do! 

I am excited and determined to do this. I have goals in mind and I am learning "NEW" things about me. I am learning "NEW" things about fueling my body! It is exciting!! 

God is doing some really exciting things for me right now and I need energy to keep up! I need the self confidence to do what He has called me to do...and this is helping immensely! 

Just thought I would share one of the "NEW" things that is happening in my life. There are others, but I will save that for another time. 

This Jesus Girl is embracing the life God has given her! I am looking forward to a fantastic year full of "NEW" adventures with my Abba Bridegroom! 

Isaiah 43:19 "See, I am doing a NEW thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland!"

God's streams are flowing into the wasteland....and I am thankful for his redemption!

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