
Just Me

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year...A Gift...

Here I sit, 8 days into 2015. I have been very reflective lately. Doing a LOT of thinking and processing. Thinking about things that have happened in recent weeks in my life. Things that have happened during the 2014 year. And of course all that transpired in the few years before that. 

I use the Timehop app and it has been bringing up lots of memories and thoughts. Just this past Monday on Timehop was the reminder of the day that Dave first went to the doctor. The appointment that led to many more appointments, tests, surgeries, a life altering journey. A spiritually altering journey. One I wouldn't want to repeat, but am truly thankful for...all I learned and how I grew through that process.

I have thought about last year. The pain. Lots of deep pain. Faith rattling pain. I saw what I thought would take years to restore. And I sit today with so much restoration! I am blessed and so thankful for God's mercy, love, and grace. I remember the journey changing words the Lord gave me..."No matter how today's page in your book of life looks, the enemy does not get to write the final chapter." And that "My ways are not your ways"...and I wonder if I had my way, what would today look like?? I don't think I would be where I am in restoration. I would have written the story completely differently...what would I have missed? Sometimes, we just have to CHOOSE to trust His plan...Romans 8:28 is still as powerful and true as it was when it was penned. I am thankful!

And then there is the very new adventure of this man in my life. In November I took my kids to the zoo for the zoo lights and I told them numerous times, "Next year, I will be walking around here with a man!" Joking, but not. Hopeful that by then God would send someone into this lonely woman's life. I had no idea, I would be there a few weeks later with a wonderful, loving man. I had no idea the adventure that was embarking when I started talking to him. I sit today with a mind spinning and trying to wrap itself around the gift that is in front of me. He is funny, loving, and kind. A hard working, driven, successful man. A devoted, wonderful Father. I can see the bond between he and his kids is a strong one! A man of prayer. He's attentive and pampering. Gentle and sweet. Giving. (and he has a Harley!!!!) And he's mine!

Yup...mine. Ahhhhh...

I have spent much time praying for the man that God would have for me. I have prayed about the moment that God knew he would walk into my life. I have prayed that I would have no doubts at all and I would know, that I know, that I know. Right now, God keeps confirming that this is the way for me to go and I am to continue to walk this path...and not only walk it, but to enjoy every moment of this gift in front of me. And I am. My life has changed drastically since he walked into it. Everything is different. New goals. New thoughts. New hopes. New dreams. 

Yup...there's that word again...NEW!!!

So much new I am overwhelmed. I always pray about my word for the year...and I believe the Lord just gave it to me today...
James 1:17
"Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows." 

I feel God is pouring blessing over me this year. I am embracing what He has in store for this woman. I see a lot of good ahead and I gladly receive every good and perfect gift He sends my way! In July, I will receive a precious gift in the birth of my grandbeebee!!!! That is a monumental event and I am so excited for all that is in store with this precious life! I love how God has used that baby to restore what was so broken! He is so good!!! And then there is this new man he has sent my way...only God knows for sure what is ahead for us, but it looks really, really promising!!! I am over the moon blessed to know him and have him in my life. More on that later I am sure!

One of the things that helped me through some of the tough things I faced late last year, was enjoying my moments and knowing they were a gift...that word and verse fit well! 

So...now, what will I do with the "GIFT" of 2015?? 
What kind of gifts will He send my way this year??
What gift will I leave those I impact with by the end of 2015??  
What will I do with the gift of my relationship with the Lord?? 
How will I grow that gift this year?? 
Every day is a gift...what will I do with the gift of today?? 

And then there is the end of that verse..."who does not change like shifting shadows". It makes me wonder what changes are ahead for me this year...and it is so reassuring to know that my Rock doesn't change. He is immovable, dependable, stable. Always there no matter what we face or encounter. 

Thankful for my word for the year...it is exciting and I am ready for all He will do in my life and the GIFT of 2015!!! 

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