
Just Me

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Stopping by to say Hi!

It has been a few days since I blogged...the last couple of weeks have been calm. Not much to report, and really a little more like "normal" life. I have had some time to myself which has been good. I was able to attend my Friday morning Bible studies for the last 2 weeks and that was SUCH a treat and a blessing. I missed about 5 weeks with everything that we have had going on, which is not good for the leader! And it is not good for my soul either! There is something so sweet about our Friday morning time together. 

Yesterday, we wrapped up our Beth Moore's "James: Mercy Triumphs" study. We managed to stretch our 8 week study into about 8 months!!! I have really enjoyed doing the studies this way so we can dig deep and it is a little less overwhelming to get done each week. Especially for the moms with little ones!

I am always "WOWED" by God's timing with our studies and what we discuss. I have had some pivotal life moments during these lessons and discussions with my sisters. Yesterday was no different.

We all sat and chatted for a few minutes before we started the DVD. One of the ladies asked me about Dave and I was sharing our latest: 

"The nurse seems to think that with getting his meds regulated, he could bounce back a little. When she shared that with us, our reaction seemed to be the same, neither of us wants him to lay in a bed for months on end and continue to lose weight until there is little left to him. He is ready for Jesus and I do not want him to suffer. He has now lost 55lbs since Thanksgiving and most of that has been in the last few months. Our wonderful hospice nurse reminded us that it is in God's hands...which I know, trusting is another story at times..."

So, yesterday I gave my friend the "proper Jesus girl" answer, "God numbers our days and I have to remind myself that he has a purpose and plan for all of this". Some days though, I walk in that a little more than others...

Well, we watched the DVD...and God gave me JUST what I needed in response to this issue. I am "simple" minded. And so He gave me a simple truth to respond to the enemy's darts when I start questioning his timing and plan..."No matter what has happened, over and over, God is always right, always right, always right, always right, always right..." So simple, yet so profound. I know when I look back at this time, at this part of my journey, I will say, "Yes, God! You were right!" He is trustworthy! Always! His way WILL be best!

So, my challenge to you...whatever you are facing and whatever doubts you may have, remember...

God is ALWAYS right, ALWAYS right, ALWAYS right!!!

I am so thankful that God sees me, knows me, desires a close relationship with me, uses me, and LOVES me with a love like no other! His arms hold me tight and I am never out of his thoughts! He is so good!

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